newborn, infant, baby, crying, breastfeeding, latching difficulties, sleeping, reflux, gas, constipation, health, parenting

Why should I bring my newborn in for care? They don’t have any posture problems … they haven’t been in an accident or fallen … they have just been born! How could anything be wrong!!??

Well, just being born and entering this world is a big deal in itself.

Even before babies are born, structural imbalances and nerve irritation can occur in the uterus from awkward fetal positioning and restriction of movement (known as intrauterine constraint). After spending the last few months of gestation in a cramped uterus, the process of being born can be intense. Both mama and baby work really hard to help baby enter the world. A routine birth is hard-wired into baby and is a mix of compression, turning, twisting, contractions and torques. All so your little one can make it through the birth canal. It is not easy but they know exactly what to do.

newborn, infant, baby, crying, breastfeeding, latching difficulties, sleeping, reflux, gas, constipation, health, parenting

A normal routine birth already places physical stress on your newborn’s head and body. So when interventions are thrown into the pot, while they are necessary for your baby’s safety and well-being, they may also add stresses and strains to your baby’s body. Considering all this, your little one may be having issues as an aftermath of all this.

Here are eight reasons for attendance newborns were brought in by their parents:


Feeding issues

Sleeping issues

Uncomfortable when lying on back

Unable to turn head equally to both sides

Difficult birth

Head shape concerns


This study also found that the most common of these concerns was feeding issues at 47% of the total of 1,991 babies. Often there were two issues at hand. And in over 80% of cases the babies were younger than 12 weeks.

If you feel your little one may benefit from a consultation with Treasa, please contact the clinic. Treasa is also more than happy to have a chat on the phone prior to your first visit, contact on 087 1815007.

A thorough evaluation is a vital step in giving your newborn the best possible start. Newborn care is extremely gentle and it will help your baby feel comfortable in his/her body.

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Hopefully you find the general information on this page informative and helpful, however, it is not intended to replace medical advice and should not be used as such.

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Natural Back Health is open Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday.

The clinic is located at: The Wisdom Centre, Sophia House, 25 Cork Street, Dublin 8.

COVID19 Update at Natural Back Health

***Re-opened following recent COVID19 restrictions***

Treasa would like to thank all her clients for their patience over this period and for their continued support and custom.

Please click on the link to familiarise yourself with safety measures in place for attending appointments.


Read details of re-opening here