When attending for care it is important to remember what your responsibility are as a practice member/client/patient are. These simple responsibilities apply to all health appointments and interactions. Please notify me as soon as possible if you are unable to attend an appointment. For appointments there will be a €20 fee incurred if you cancel […]

ear infection, childhood illness, little girl, natural remedy, otitis media

Millions of children every year suffer with otitis media – middle ear infection – and according the WHO it is the leading cause of children’s visits to their doctor AND the most frequent reason for prescribing of antibiotics to children. So it is a problem. Could we say its a normal part of childhood? I […]

If you are a pregnant mama and have been told your baby is in the breech position, you are likely wondering if there is anything that can be done about this. What does a breech baby mean? Breech baby refers to a position your baby can find themselves in. There are several different positions. One […]

low back pain woman

Back pain is more often than not a benign issue. It is a common complaint and typically resolves either with the support of a health professional such as myself or sometimes the issue quickly goes away by itself. However, there are situations where there is something more sinister going on. A red flag. This means […]

Natural Back Health is open Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday.

The clinic is located at: The Wisdom Centre, Sophia House, 25 Cork Street, Dublin 8.

COVID19 Update at Natural Back Health

***Re-opened following recent COVID19 restrictions***

Treasa would like to thank all her clients for their patience over this period and for their continued support and custom.

Please click on the link to familiarise yourself with safety measures in place for attending appointments.


Read details of re-opening here