Exam time is well and truly upon us.
With the Leaving Certificate and Junior Certificate written exams beginning this week, many of those completing them are spending long hours hunched over a book, computer or notes, with many hours of focused concentration.
The long periods of revision are not only exhausting but also many students can feel aches, pains, stiffness from prolonged periods at the desk. It can be a stressful time for many students too. The stress can exacerbate the aches and pains, so it’s important to take steps to ensure this doesn’t affect their work. I recommend taking a few simple steps during this demanding period to help ensure back or neck pain doesn’t impact on their studies.
Take regular breaks.
Set a timer on your phone for every 30 minutes and when it goes off, sit up and stretch, go for a toilet break or get a drink of water. Anything that breaks the posture and gives your mind and body a small break.
Prepare your area of study.
Work from a proper desk with a supportive chair, or even better sit on a gym ball. Studying on your bed or on the sofa is to be avoided, you may end up with aches and pains from poor posture and strained positions.
Eat well.
Organise your meals for the week or at least a few days in advance. Exam time is demanding and you need to perform well so put the best fuel into your body during this time!
Time is precious during exams. However, if you can, sneak in any stretches or exercise you can to counteract all the sedentary posture. Walk to the library or go to a short early morning exercise class. If you’re revising at home, embrace the privacy by doing regular stretches.
If despite your best efforts, you are struggling with stiffness, aches and pains, consider gentle hands-on therapy at Natural Back Health to bring about recovery and healing. Thus allowing you to study in comfort and perform better in exams!
If you have any further questions on this topic or wish to book a consultation, contact the clinic today on 0871815007 or email us here.