Newmarket, the Coombe, Dolphin’s Barn, Rialto, Inchicore, Kilmainham, Portobello, South Circular Road, and the Liberties

Resolutions   Is everyone asking you what is your resolution for 2018…. eugh…. Already?! Where did the year go….? The thing is though, resolutions are only about what you hope to accomplish, but what about taking a moment to look back on the year that has been? Looking back and taking stock can help define […]

dizziness, neck, vertigo, Dublin, relief,

Benign Paraoxysmal Positioning Vertigo (BPPV) BPPV is one of the most common types of vertigo and is the most common cause of vertigo in the older individual. By the age of 70, about 30% of all older patients can have experienced BPPV once. If you have BPPV, you often describe short attacks of vertigo. And […]

Dublin, chiropractor, chiropractic, colic, pain, relief, recovery, health, babies, tummy time, acid reflux

Tummy Time. Why is it so important? Tummy time is vital for developing babies. Your baby very simply needs tummy time to help strengthen their neck and back muscles. Make it as interesting as possible for them. Using toys, noises, colours to help them spend 3/4 seconds longer there. Every second counts to stimulate their […]

Natural Back Health is open Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday.

The clinic is located at: The Wisdom Centre, Sophia House, 25 Cork Street, Dublin 8.

COVID19 Update at Natural Back Health

***Re-opened following recent COVID19 restrictions***

Treasa would like to thank all her clients for their patience over this period and for their continued support and custom.

Please click on the link to familiarise yourself with safety measures in place for attending appointments.


Read details of re-opening here