Working From Home Can Benefit Your Well-Being …
Working from home allows you to create a little cocoon where you can focus and be productive. However, many of us end up spending the day working from the countertop, the kitchen table or the sofa … possibly ending up with an aching neck or painful shoulder.
However, there is a great opportunity when working from home to maximise your work space and pay attention to your environment. Ultimately helping your comfort, productivity levels and overall well-being.
Change it up
Ergonomics is a fancy way of saying “sit in the best way for the longest time” and suits the traditional 9-5 work day. However, what is more preferable for your body is to regularly move throughout the day. Working from home is the perfect chance to regularly change your workstation and your position. Limiting your time in each position is the key.
Change it up hints:
- After your mid-morning coffee you could sit on the floor for a while.
- Switch to a DIY stand up desk after lunch (stack a load of books on the counter-top to sit your laptop on)
- If you are at a PC, sit on a gym ball for a while.
- Is it possible to work outside? Do you have a balcony or garden you can work from for an hour or two? Then you are getting a double whammy of sunshine goodness and a change in position.
- Do you have a couple of calls to make? Get your headset and take a 20 minute walk while making the calls.
Variety and regular movement is vital. With a little creativity and organisation you can create a schedule of positions and locations throughout your work day.
If you are trying to make the best of what you’ve got … for example if you are limited to working from the kitchen table with a not so ideal chair, check out this video for a simple tip.
Green spaces
Office spaces often have air-con systems or heating systems that leave you feeling that you are breathing in poor quality air. Poor air circulation can create brain fogginess, cause workers to tire more quickly and contribute to allergies and sinus problems.
At home, (esp those living in apartments) you have control over improving your quality of air and oxygen levels.
Air purifiers are popular with many, but a more natural and budget friendly option is a house plant!
Not only do house plants look good but if you choose the right ones they can also be highly effective at filtering out pollutants and toxic chemicals in the air. NASA researchers did a Clean Air study and found certain plants are super duper at eating up all the nasty chemicals from the air. Chemicals that have been linked to health effects like headaches and eye irritation.
So if you are spending all day at home working, consider a few house plants dotted around. Many of them need minimal care and in exchange they are actively helping your health! Read more on which ones to choose here.
If you have any further questions regarding this topic please do not hesitate to contact the clinic. Call today to arrange your first visit!
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Hopefully you find the general information in this blog informative and helpful, however it is not intended to replace medical advice and should not be used as such.