spine, back, low back, neck, pain, relief, Dublin, Sallins, chiropractor, chiropractic

About 10% of the population has a sixth lumbar spinal bone.

If it wasn't for your spine you wouldn't be able to bend, twist, turn or drive a car!

Are you putting up with back pain?

If your issue does not resolve itself within a day or two or if you have suffered with repeated episodes of low back pain, I would recommend you seek help.

Remember, you only have one body and addressing a problem sooner rather than later is best.

Natural Back Health is a private professional service providing gentle, low force and safe therapy to bring about healing and relief. I will support your recovery out of pain and back to doing the things you love. I have a whole health and body philosophy to my treatments. My plan of care generally includes tailored advice on stress management, nutrition, exercise, sleep and in-house gentle manual therapy.

If you have any further questions regarding this topic please do not hesitate to contact the clinic on 087 1815007 or here.

Read more about what to expect from my treatments

Hopefully you find the general information in this blog informative and helpful, however it is not intended to replace medical advice and should not be used as such.

Comments are closed.

Natural Back Health is open Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday.

The clinic is located at: The Wisdom Centre, Sophia House, 25 Cork Street, Dublin 8.

COVID19 Update at Natural Back Health

***Re-opened following recent COVID19 restrictions***

Treasa would like to thank all her clients for their patience over this period and for their continued support and custom.

Please click on the link to familiarise yourself with safety measures in place for attending appointments.


Read details of re-opening here