pregnant, pregnancy, woman, happy, healthy, expectant

Pregnancy is an amazing time in your life. It is a time to take really good care of your body and your growing baby. Eating nutritious whole foods, exercising regularly and visiting your healthcare provider are all ways to maintain a healthy pregnancy. Yet, in the era of COVID19 it may not be so easy to follow […]

happy, healthy, kid, bubbles, play, children, body, pain, relief, spine, nature, natural

Back pain is common in children aged 11-15 I don’t know about you but this statement is concerning to me. This was part of the concluding findings from a study done on 1,300 Danish children. The aim of the study was to find out more about spinal pain in this age group. They came back […]

holidays, beach. summer, family, health, wellness, happy, back, spines, backbone

Low back pain, hip pain or neck pain … none of them are welcome on your summer holidays! Yippeeee! You have finally gotten away from the office and escaped on your well deserved holidays!! But low and behold, you get a flare up of low back pain … If you are struggling with back pain […]

Natural Back Health is open Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday.

The clinic is located at: The Wisdom Centre, Sophia House, 25 Cork Street, Dublin 8.

COVID19 Update at Natural Back Health

***Re-opened following recent COVID19 restrictions***

Treasa would like to thank all her clients for their patience over this period and for their continued support and custom.

Please click on the link to familiarise yourself with safety measures in place for attending appointments.


Read details of re-opening here